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Which is the origin of Halloween?

Decorated pumkins for Halloween

If you are asked, where is Halloween originally from ? Would you immediately answer USA ? And if you are asked, when did this tradition started ? Would you answer, in the seasson of the witches ? Oh surprise... ERROR !! In this interesting post, you will find out: when, where, how, why, who !!!

Who brought Halloween to USA??

The responsibles of this mistaken association are (besides Hollywood of course) the Irish. In 1845, from the US and Mexico, arrived in Ireland a plague that wiped out 3 consecutive potato crops (base of Irish food) and the lifes of over 2 million and a half people. This event, known as An Gorta Mór, or what is the same, The Great Famine (in Irish) forced another 2 million Irish to emigrate being US one of their favorite destinations.

When did Halloween start?? 

Although many people believe Halloween was originated with the secularization of the Christian Feast of All Saints, the reality is that the Catholic Church had already adopted this feast from an earlier pagan religion: the Samhain from the Celtic culture.

Where does Halloween come from?? 

The Celts were a group of people who lived in Europe during the Iron Age with a series of feature in common. The main one was that they spoke languages ​​from the same family. The other shared aspects (historical, religious or cultural) were more changeable from one people to another.

Extension of Celtic people on current European map
Extension of Celtic people on current European map

Why did the night of October 31 become a feast day??

The Celts divided the year into two, one half light and one dark. What it is precisely celebrated the night of October 31st  to November 1st is the beginning of this second part. Samhain (which in Gaelic means "summer's end") was the end of the harvest season and the beginning of  the "Celtic New Year" in which the deads could cross the veil and mingle with the living. On the other hand, the Celts were not the only ones celebrating the beginning or ending of the harvest, the Romans were already honoring Pomona, goddess of fruitful abundance, by this time.

Pomona, goddess of fruitful abundance by Nicholas Fouché
Pomona, goddess of fruitful abundance by Nicholas Fouché

So the Catholic Church instead of banning this pagan holiday, what they did was assimilating it. In the year 741 Pope Gregory III changed the Feast of All Saints from May 13 to November 1. Later, Pope Gregory IV commanded the feast to be universally held and to begin its vigil on October 31 in order to prepare it. This evening vigil was directly translated from Latin into English as All Hallow's Eve and at the end the term evolved into what we know nowadays as Halloween.

Pope Gregory III
Pope Gregory III
Pope Gregory IV
Pope Gregory IV

How is Halloween celebrated?? 

From the other side of the Atlantic Ocean Irish customs reach US, like the famous one of emptying a giant pumpkin and putting a candle inside (Jack o 'Lantern) whose origin is the legend of Stingy Jack to scare the devil; the famous Trick or Treat popularized by UNICEF and inspired by the soul cake in Britain and Ireland or Pão de Deus in Portugal; the apples, in this case sweet or caramelized to make them more palatable, and have as a reference the offering to Roman goddess Pamona or dressing up which was already done in the Middle Ages to pass unnoticed among the dead crossing the veil.

An anecdote? US has not just copied from the Celts the celebration of the harvest ending, the beginning as well ... Thanksgiving !!

How to get to the Statue of Liberty

Visit Statue of Liberty in NYC

"All roads lead to Rome" or to the Statue of Liberty in our case, but not all of them fit the same way in our pocket ... In this post we reveal how, at what price and at what times you can visit Lady Liberty.


Cost: $$$ 
Water taxi to Statue of Liberty in New York City

For those who want a unique experience and have reserved a part of their budget to visit the Statue of Liberty in New York. There are many boats offering sightseeing cruises from New York Harbor and Manhattan which sail just in front of the Statue of Liberty, some of them even include dinner or shows!!!
Examples include Circle Line Sightseeing (http://www.circleline42.com//new-york-cruises/cruise-details.aspx?id=3) where you can book a one hour cruise from $ 29 per adult or the famous Water Taxis for $ 30 per adult and $ 19 per child (https://tickets2.nywt.com/Default.aspx?tabid=1124)


Cost: $$
National Park Service to Statue of Liberty in New York City

The National Park Service is a Northamerican federal agency that manages the National Parks, National Monuments (as our Lady Liberty in New York) and other protected sites. This government agency serves ferries (whose prices are $18 for adults, $14 senior +62, $9 for children from 4 to 12 years old and free for children under 4 years) that take you to the pedestal of Statue of Liberty in New York. If you want to access up to the crown it is necessary to pay a fee of $ 3 (access restricted for children under 4).

Interior Crown Statue of Liberty in New York City

The first ferry leaves at 9:30 am and the last one comes back at 5:00 pm. It is very important to know that they are the only ones with permission to dock at Liberty Island, ie, they are the only ones that can offer a visit to the statue of Liberty.

You can check timetables and buy tickets online in the following link: http://www.statuecruises.com/schedule.aspx, highly recommended due to although you can buy it in person at Battery Park, normally it is sold out.


Cost: $
Staten Island Ferry in New York City
This service, which dates back to the eighteenth century when small boats were transporting small groups of people from one  borough to another, depends directly on the New York City Department of Transportation. Runs between St. George Ferry Terminal at 1 Bay Street (Staten Island) and Whitehall Terminal at 4 South Street (Lower Manhattan). The trip takes about 25 minutes, it is totally FREE and works 24 hours a day !!!
The following link will let you find the schedules  http://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/html/ferrybus/siferryschedule.shtml

You see? For everybody ... now you can not say you do not know how to get to the Statue of Liberty in NYC...

2 Days walking tour in Washington DC

View National Mall in Washington DC

Washington DC, officially District of Columbia, and simply known as DC is the capital of the United States of America. Located besides the Potomac River and surrounded by the states of Virginia (Est) and Maryland (North, South and West)

Tour through the Gay Madrid (LGTB)

This route is mainly designed for the gay community, however it can be done by anyone wanting to know some curiosities about Chueca neighborhood and have fun!!!

We start our tour by visiting one of the strangest building in Chueca neighborhood, with a curious story which definetely will surprise us. We continue enjoying some other small palace that does not go unnoticed, direction to the Church of San Antón which has interesting stories. From there we head to Plaza de Chueca (Chueca Square) via “calle de Hortaleza” (Hortaleza St), for shopping and enjoying its environment.

We continue in Plaza de Chueca (Chueca Square), revealing its stories and the changing process that the neighborhood suffered in recent decades. After, we visit the famous “Mercado de San Anton” (San Anton market), the nerve center of the district, to continue an interesting tour of the most interesting, trendy and curious bars in the aera.

If you really want to enjoy the Gay scene in Madrid, you can not stop doing this route. Let our guide,  knowledgeable expert of Chueca, advise you where to go and what to do in Chueca.

Price: €15 per person 
Duration: 2 hours.
Tour Days:  Every Friday at 7:30pm

You just need to send us an email to englishreservations@gmail.com com and we will be delighted to assist you.

In case you are not in town on Friday and you need a personalized tour in a different day, you just need to write to our email and we will organize one for you just for €25 per person!!!

Meeting Point: In front of Hotel Petit Palace Santa Barbara (Plaza de Santa Bárbara, 10

Tour of the Legends and Ghosts of Madrid

This is a route full of surprises, stories and legends. We start our tour by discovering the history of a landmark building of Madrid which just a few people still remember. From there we go to the famous Puerta del Sol, where we explain its origin and a lot of stories and legends that hide in the, traditionally considered, central point of Madrid and Spain.

We continue along Calle Alcalá, where we will discover the history of several important buildings, until we arrive to the “círculo telúrico de Madrid” (telluric circle of Madrid). In several different spots, close to Plaza de Cibeles (Cibele's square) we tell ghost and murder stories as well as legends that make of Madrid a centre of attention for occultism fans. After, we visit the famous Cibeles where we discover the symbology kept by Real Madrid's god.

Finally, we arrive at Plaza de la Independencia (Independence Square), revealing some curious details about the famous Puerta de Alcala (Alcala Gateway), ending our tour at the entrance of the Parque del Retiro (Retiro's Park), which hides two curious legends about treasures and goblins that will make you smile.

If you are interested in the most mythical and legendary side, you will love this route.

Price: €12 per person
Free under 12
Duration: 2 hours.
Tour Days:  Every Friday at 6:00pm

You just need to send us an email to englishreservations@gmail.com and we will be delighted to assist you.

In case you are not in town on Friday and you need a personalized tour in a different day, you just need to write to our email and we will organize one for you just for €20 per person!!!

Meeting Point: Intersection of  “calle Mayor” (Mayor St) and “calle Esparteros” (Esparteros St)

Tour through the Hidden Madrid of the Austrians

This is a tour of Madrid's origins and its most hidden and secret past. We begin our visit at the Royal Monastery of the Incarnation (Real Monasterio de la Encarnacion), where we discover the secrets on the relics kept here and its importance in the Middle Ages. From here we head to discover: the origins of Madrid, its oldest city walls, how it emerged, the origin of its name...

We continue our visit discovering elements of Old Madrid that even madrilians have forgotten. We tell you the most curious legends, the most sinister, those which can transport you to another era, when religion and crown were untouchables.

Finally, we visit the narrowest building in Madrid, a pharmacy with a long history and a sculpture that will leave you absolutely baffled, until we reach the famous Plaza Mayor, also in possesion of a few anecdotes.

Definitely a curious and amazing route either it is your first time coming to Madrid either you have lived here your whole life.

Price: €12 per person
Free under 12 
Duration: 2 hours. 
Tour Days:  Every Saturday at 11:00am

You just need to send us an email to englishreservations@gmail.com and we will be delighted to assist you.

In case you are not in town on Saturday and you need a personalized tour in a different day, you just need to write to our email and we will organize one for you just for €20 per person!!!

Meeting Point: In front of the Royal Monastery of the Incarnation “Real Monasterio de la Encarnacion” (Plaza de la Encarnación, 1 )

Walking tours in Madrid


The most tourist spots in Madrid are widely known (the Royal Palace, the Almudena Cathedral...), but this city, is full of unnoticed places that are essential to understand its history. These details, these stories, these legends are those which developed the personality of this city. When you know them, these stories make your jaw drop, for sure!!! 

Talking to people like you, we have realized that almost no-one knows these details and that the interest shown about them is pretty large. So, we have decided to organize 3 routes which we think cover those places and legends of Madrid that will surprise you.

If you are curious and do not like to be left with what everybody visits, you like history, legends and hidden elements of cities, do not miss these routes!!!